APRU는 본교 포함 세계 55개 명문대학이 회원교로 있는 국제 네트워크입니다.
APRU는 VSE(Virtual Student Exchange)를 런칭하여 성공적으로 운영하고 있으며, 올해 여름 단기과정을 개설합니다!
본교생은 수업료없이 세계 우수대학의 여름단기과정에 참여할 수 있으니, 관심있는 학생들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

APRU Virtual Student Exchange Program Summer Semester 2021 - A Truly International Education Experience


Are you looking for an international exchange opportunity in the coming months but unable to join because of current health and safety concerns, restrictions on international travel, budget constraints, or other commitments?


The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Virtual Student Exchange (VSE) Program Summer Semester 2021 has now commenced and offers you the opportunity to take up intensive academic courses during the summer months of the Northern Hemisphere (June to August). By joining the VSE, you can:

·       * Choose from a vast catalog of intensive online academic courses, most of them credit-bearing, from 11 universities on 4 continents. APPLY NOW!  

        * Complement your studies with a wide variety of co-curricular programs designed to connect you with peers and experts worldwide.

·       * Embark on an international exchange experience in the comfort of your home.


Visit the Program Website to check out academic courses and co-curricular programs (cultural activities, leadership training, and careers preparation) on offer and learn more about the application process.


Have a question? Email us at apru.vse@cuhk.edu.hk or contact the Study Abroad Advisor at your home university at kuoia@korea.ac.kr.