호주 University of Western Australia에서 아래와 같은 온라인 리서치 인턴십을 지원하오니 관심있는 학생들의 지원 바랍니다. 

UWA (Online) Summer Down Under: Research Internship


Looking for an adventure this northern winter with opportunities to hone your research skills in a supportive environment? Perhaps thinking of doing a PhD in Australia but don’t know where to start? The Online Summer Down Under Research Internship with The University of Western Australia may be just what you’re looking for. This 8-week intensive online research training program (in Perth, WA) will run online from 18 Jan – 12 Mar 2021. Projects cover a range of exciting and diverse topics, and spots are limited.

프로그램 기간: 2020년 1월 18일 - 2021년 3월 12일 

지원 기간: 

  - First round: Early Oct to Nov. 6, 2020

  - Second round: Nov. 7 to Nov. 22 (Some projects might be unavailable) 

지원 방법: https://uwa.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cOVPV10yJyuq3fT 으로 지원

  - You will need to attach the most up to date

      • Transcript

      • CV (no more than 1 page)

      • English results (not required for native speakers)

  - You will also be required to answer the following questions:

      • Explain why your previous experience makes you suitable for this project? In particular, address any prerequisites that have been outlined by the supervisor. (max 200 words)

      • Outline any previous research or laboratory experience you have. Please name that research group and the leader of that research group at your home university or the institution that you participated in research. (max 100 words)

      • Why are you interested in this program? (max 200 words)

      • What are your future career plans? (max 200 words)

*You may contact the supervisor(s) if you have questions regarding the project(s). Please note: as student selection is based on a competitive process, please do not discuss acceptance. Some projects are designed to be deliberately vague to suit the students’ area of interest/specialty. Interested students are recommended to contact the supervisor to discuss the project.

프로그램 세부사항:

   - https://www.uwa.edu.au/study/courses-and-careers/short-courses/uwa-summer-down-under 참고

   - 첨부파일 참고

11월 3일 UWA 측에서 프로그램 관련 사항 업데이트 요청 : 

11 additional projects are added to the list. For the most updated information and projects please see our website https://www.uwa.edu.au/study/courses-and-careers/short-courses/uwa-summer-down-under. This is the direct link to the projects https://www.uwa.edu.au/study/-/media/Faculties/FABLE/Docs/2021-Jan-SDURI-project_.pdf .



First round applications close 6 Nov 2020 (AWST) (this Friday, midnight)

Second round opens 7 Nov to 22 Nov

*학점인정 관련사항은 학과행정실에 문의하세요*

*프로그램 기간이 내년 봄학기 학사일정과 겹치오니 유의하시기 바랍니다*

*고려대학교에서 최대 2명까지 교환학생으로 파견 가능 (2명 이상 프로그램 합격 시 차후 안내)*