핀란드 Hanken School of Economics에서 진행하는 Winter School 참가에 관심있는 학생은 8월 25일까지 outeurope@korea.ac.kr로 다음의 정보를 정리하여 보내주시기 바랍니다.

- 영문명(여권기재와 동일하게)

- 성별

- 이메일주소(학교이메일 + 개인이메일, 2개)

- 소속대학 및 전공

- 생년월일

- 국적

- 핸드폰번호(국가번호포함)

- 영문성적표

- 2023학년도 2학기 재학생의 경우 수강 예정인 과목리스트(영문)

- 공인영어성적표(if available)

Nominated students should have a good command of English, corresponding to at least CEFR C1 level/ minimum 95 iBT (internet-based test). They should also have completed at least one year of business-related studies before the start of the winter school. However, we don’t request any test score, but the students will have to take part in discussions, write assignments etc. The selected students can have Business/Economics/Management also as a minor subject.

There is no tuition fee for students nominated by our partners. The student pays for travel costs, accommodation and costs of living in Lund and Helsink. 

More information can be found on www.lusem.lu.se/winterschool and www.hanken.fi/en/winterschool. These webpages will be updated regularly with information about the course modules as well as practical info.